On the first day of Summer, 1 December 2016, staff members at Chen Shan Lawyers participated in a team buildingexercise, the Mystery Puzzle escape room. The activity transformed and motivated our staff members into a cohesiveand productive unit. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. The aim of the activity is to promote team work,collegiality, efficiency and friendship among our staff members under a mentally challenging and stimulatingenvironment. Being able to work as a unified team is important to workplace productivity. Moreover, it was a chance forour staff members to rewind after a long day of work and enjoy the change of scenery from their usual officeenvironment.The Mystery Puzzle escape room offers a physical adventure experience. Players are locked in a room and challengedto utilise elements of the room to solve a series of puzzles and escape the room within a time limit. Staff at Chen Shandecided to take on the more challenging room – the Lost Pirate Souls. Enthusiasm was high. Everyone dressed up invarious pirate costumes, pirate hats, fat cat pinstripes, wench blouses and oversized hats. Staff took a group photodressed up as pirates to commemorate this experience. Then the adventure began.

Once inside the first room, staff members were introduced the story of the hidden island of pirate treasure. The roomcontained a book shelf, treasure chest, mini skull sculptures, a vanity and a large cabinet. Our staff immediately startedsearch around the room for clues. We soon discovered two puzzles. Working as two teams, the puzzles were quicklysolved which gave us the combination to the padlocked chests and allowed our staff to unlock the door which led to thesecond room. The second room contained more pirate themed elements such as a model pirate ship, compass andpirate flags. These decorations really brought the experience to life. In the second room, some of our staff membersfocused on opening the lock on the cabinet, while others focused on solving the puzzles. After some brainstorming andcreative thinking, staff overcame many hurdles and uncovered a surprise hidden room.Throughout the experience, our staff members were supportive and helpful. Everyone actively engaged in problemsolving and worked towards a common goal. Time was well managed and communication was clear and timely. It was afantastic experience that builds camaraderie and team work. Many of our staff members are already looking forward tothe next group activity. The different personalities of our staff worked well together, a testament to each and every one ofour staff’s effort to create a strong team. This was a fun and meaningful way to celebrate 2016 and to celebrate anotheryear of working together.